About Coach Patricia

Hello, my name is Patricia
Beyonce sings, “You dodged a bullet,” but it was not until my cardiologist uttered those words as he detailed the findings of my post-stent echocardiogram that they became more than melodic entertainment. He added, “I mean mortality.” The discovery that my lifestyle and my eating behaviors of 55 years brought me that close to death paralyzed me with shame. I heard none of what he explained regarding the stent placement in my left anterior descending artery, nor the aftercare treatment for my heart attack.
Obviously, the concept of being a Transformational Heath Coach was not thought of then in 2012, but at 276 pounds I knew if I wanted to live, change was needed. I picked up a copy of Eat for Health by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a renowned nutrition expert, and natural healing expert. I began to prepare nutrient-dense, mostly plant-based recipes. My newly acquired food choices led to my 80-pound weight loss and a hunger to learn more.
Shortly thereafter, I enrolled in the Chef Program at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts, NYC. I have also taken classes at Lov’n It Live in East Point, Georgia. In addition, I hold certifications in Cooking for People with Illness from NGI as well as Food Future Institute: Foundations at FFI, a Culinary Plant-Based Institute helmed by Chef Matthew Kenney. My most recent privilege was earning my Nutritarian Health Coach Certification from the Nutritarian Education Institute under the guidance of Dr. Fuhrman.
Now, the tastes, the colors, and the textures of fresh greens, plump blueberries and succulent strawberries, juice-dripping peaches, protein-rich beans, and seeds as well as pungent onions and earthy mushrooms are life’s celebration bringing healing. My enduring mission is to help people transform their health and their life using food and to experience satiating nutrition by providing the body with what it needs.
I currently live in Douglasville, Georgia with my wonderful husband, Edwin and I am a loving mother to a truly delightful vegetarian daughter, Imani.
My Other Education
Prior to my career as a Transformational Health Coach, I worked as a Supervisory Educator for the New York City Department of Education. I hold a Master of Science degree in School Administration and Supervision from Touro College, a Master of Science degree in Instructional Technology from The New York Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Literature/Writing from Columbia University in the City of New York.

“In many ways Coaching is like Teaching: Guiding individuals toward their optimal selves.” -Coach Patricia